On March 4-5, the Center welcomed over one hundred consumer law experts and enthusiasts from across the country and the world to the third annual (and hopefully only totally virtual) convening of the Consumer Law Scholars Conference. Over the course of the two days, participants delved into sixteen compelling papers exploring health insurance and transgender patient access to health care, market deficiencies and the need for consumer protection laws, algorithm-based customer care, contractual inequality, and payday loans and debt traps — to name a few.
The gathering also featured keynote conversations with Representatives Katie Porter and Barney Frank, two powerhouse champions for consumer justice. Rep. Porter challenged the participants to look beyond the walls of academe and to transform their papers into short policy briefs for lawmakers, since legislators are always in need of good ideas for how to make positive change. Former Rep. Frank advised attendees to remember the power of grassroots organizing and not to underestimate their own potential influence.